Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Nice photograph. No idea where ti si from or what it is of (apart from the obvious) but I really like the colours in the sky. I usually hate the colour orange except when it is in the sky. Thsi photo is called Amber Sky. I like that name a lot for some reason. It sounds really gentle and befiting of the picture. The silhouette of the shed and land at the bottom of the picture really adds a bit of balance to the whole image.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Nice. But its Friday and Im not sure if I want to think to much about metaphors and whatever at the moment. But I chose this picture for a reason- I know its cool- I just don't have the brain power to think much about it at the moment.
Ok, Love the quote. Im not sure the picture would be much without the quote but together they are really effective. I like the fact the the words are on the white mist, it seems really beautiful.

*Oh- an update on a past post. The post from Thursday september 19. I recently found otu the picture is not from New Zealand or Scandanavia as I posted. Its actually taken at Yosemite National Park (pronounced Yoz-em-it-ee) (I think) in America. Ooops!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hmmm...this picture is unusual. It was taken in South Africa (not sure where). I think there is a bit of a contrast here. On one hand, the leafless tree looks so bare and evil, with branches reaching out like claws and the arms of tormented souls. Also, the fact that the whole front image is shadowed in black supports this vision. As do the vulture like birds perching at the top of the tree. The one at the very top looks rather graceful but the lower one, all hunched up distictly reminds me of the vultures from The Jungle Book. I dont know why. The contrast occurs because of the soft tones of the sky behing. Maybe if they were a firey red, the colour of hell it would be different, but as it is the gentle grace that the misty colour of the sky sends out balances out the harshness of the foreground. I think it could be seen as very metaphorical, the evil in the world is always kept at bay -kept in the tree- by the gentle but powerful greater good. I am not really a religious person but I saw a lot in the photo. All in all I think it is a lovely picture. Maybe not quite as stunning as the breathtaking Scandinavian landscapes but still, iy holds a beauty all of its own.
Imagine driving along a road with this fantastic landscape beside you. It is incredable. I love the fact that in this picture everything looks so smooth. The white snow at the top of the frame, the stteply falling green hills on the right side, the beautifully blue sparkling water and even the small amount of road at the base of the picture. The water is incredable, so blue that is almost looks sureal. And the pine trees- I hate to say it but they are quaint. This is absolutly amazing, I would love to see this place for real.

This photo is from www.dramainnature.com

The location is Icefields Parkway, Bow Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.

Friday, September 29, 2006

this absolutly crazy program thinks that my star sign is cancer when i specifically told it

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

nice black and white photograph. not quite sure where this is of but it looks maybe somehwere in austria, germany, norway. possible new zealand though for some reasoni dont think so. the reflection on teh water is lovely and what i really like about this picture is that although it isnt symetrical, the larger white mountain side does balance out with the smaller black trees.
a l l ___t h e_____c o l o u r s ____o f____ t h e____ r a i n b o w ! ! !

now, there are only so many pictures of fuzzy ducklings that one can see, but this one really is cute. i also think there might be a bit fo a message in there, but i am also guessing that it would be different for every peron. for me it is 'be a pioneer, give it ago and maybe everyone will follow. even if you just end up flashing your bum to all your friends like this poor little fellow it doesn't matter. at least you tried.'

Monday, September 18, 2006

truly beautiful. in my opinion anyway. i did not realise until recently (and some of you academics (kelsey you know who i mean :) might think i am being incredably blonde) but this is a man with hsi hands held at just the right position so it looks like he is holding up a globe but actually it is just framing the sun. im guessing an indian sun set, with the smokey haze of polluton hanging over the city.this is so simple and yet so stunning.

not his most flattering picture. ok, i grant you that maybe this is't an amazing picture of earth, but it really cute isnt it? come on. you know it is. the greatest photographs dont have to be the ones that capture perfect symtery or whatever. they can just simply be the ones that make you smile after a long and difficult day.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

above: i love dolphins and any pictures of them. some of the photos ive seen of surfers or swimmers playing with wild dolphins is simply magical. unfortunatly, many only get to see them perform demeaning tricks at a theme park, and not in a the wild where they play, and show us thier beauty to thier full potential.
if i had seen this scene in real life i would have been terrified and awed at the same time i think. it is quite an inspiring picture, but also it manages to remind us of earths deadliness.